Citywide Mental Health Need Survey Findings

Treatment Not Trauma
Policy Paper
Treatment Not Trauma (TNT) is a plan that seeks to break this cycle with a public health model for community mental health and shared safety that invests in a community care worker corps backed by City-run mental health centers integrated with both mental health crisis call lines and non-police crisis response teams. TNT begins from the recognition that crisis response works best, and is needed least, when it is interwoven with sustained crisis prevention systems based on supportive interpersonal relationships with people living at high risk of behavioral and mental health crises. Read more about our plan for Treatment Not Trauma here.
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Wanting to hear more about the Collaborative for Community Wellness? Have any questions? Feel free to reach out to us:
Any Huamani
4477 S. Archer Ave.
Chicago, IL 60632
© 2022 Collaborative for Community Wellness - Chicago, IL